Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What Might the Cell Church Encounter?

I was thinking about the Cell Church model in relation to the traditional model. I can't predict exactly what will be the major problems with the Cell Church or what it will struggle to accomplish in relation to God's mission, but I think, after looking at the traditional model, it will have a hard time looking like a interconnected church.

What I mean by that is this: The traditional church struggles with home groups in the way that they try to make it look like they're really relational and community driven. But when you compare that home group to the church's showings of a home group. They fall short with evangelism, discipleship, mercy ministries, and caring for the planet. Whereas, it is easier for a house church to fulfill those calls in the small group setting.

So when I look at that problem and see how the traditional church struggles there, I can't help but think the Cell Church struggles with looking like we aren't apart of a larger community. A bunch of "small churches" trying to do "big church" is going to run into the counter-problems found with a "big church" trying to do "small church".

Something I have to wrestle with...

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