Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Burden

I recently had a conversation with a girl in high school who had to cancel her mission trip to Mexico on two different occasions: the first trip was to Tijiuana due to all the gang violence as of late. The second was to Mexicali because of the Swine Flu. Her church was finally able to find of a hole in the curtain separating the US from the world in Jamaica.

I think it's great that these Christ followers are willing to relentlessly seek to do the work of the Kingdom. Even when it's inconvenient.
But why is it that we refuse to send missionaries to dangerous places?
Are we afraid of what might happen to us?
Is the risk of losing our lives to great?

I even see this at my school. They will not send students to India because of the danger. Why don't we just sign a reliability release form?

Jesus took the biggest risk. He knew He would be murdered on Calvary. He knew, yet He went. And it turned out to be the mission trip that brought Salvation to this world. His blood washed sinners clean. It is my prayer that we do not back down as Disciples. That we take off the burden of fear and put on the burden of the Cross.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just Do Something

The answer to my prayers?!