Friday, September 19, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Living on "The Fringe"

I just finished watching the second episode of a new TV series called The Fringe. The final minute or so there was an extremely profound quote that I think would be good to explore.

"The inherent pitfall of being a scientist is trying to maintain the distinction between God's domain and our own."

I feel as if the inherent pitfall of being a descendant of Adam would be not understanding the distinction between God's domain and our's. What even constitutes as "our" domain? In one of my classes we had a topic floating in the air about the reality of dying to ourselves. If you want to take it one step further you could say we are already dead. "Dead to sin, alive in Christ." 

Calvin puts it this way, "we are just sojourners in this world. Our true home address is in heaven. " [I read that today and don't have the book with probably shouldn't be in quotes now that I think about it...]

So when you look at it like that, we don't own anything! We must live in this world as sojourners. I'm not saying that disciples of Christ should sell all they own and live like homeless people begging for food, but I am saying that they should give all they have up. 

Genesis 22 shows the perfect example of this idea. Abraham was so enthralled with his son Isaac that God made sure that Abraham's allegiance was still devoted to God. He asked him to make the ultimate sacrifice; his son, his most beloved possession. 

That is the total surrender of our possessions.

God has commanded us to be in this world as nomads. We own nothing but that which is awaiting us in Heaven. That is a radical call! It is something that I need to learn more of. I just don't want this to be an ideal for me; I need this to be words that are spoken through my actions. I must die to myself every morning and say, "God, I am just a wandering fool that is willing to do whatever it is that You ask of me." 

That is the true meaning of living on "the fringe". We are always one heart beat away from heaven. So let us not waste that final thump of life on the sensual. But instead,  Let us become gloriously broken and destroyed by our sin as we call on the name of the Lord for help. Let us use our last heart beat to pump as much of the Gospel into this pitfall we call Earth as we can.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Payoff

I don't really have much time to blog, but I can't help myself. I'm addicted to writing my thoughts down on a webpage that nobody will ever read...It's odd.

But the reason why I am writing to myself today is because I just finished reading a chapter in The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This chapter was all about the gospel and it's implications for the believers. It was a challenging chapter that talked about suffering because He first suffered for us.

Bonhoeffer said that the way to overcome suffering is through suffering alone. It didn't make sense to me at first, but he continued to say that Jesus commands us to pick up our cross and follow Him. Now I see the suffering...

But how do I get over suffering through suffering? It still is a conundrum.

"My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Yeah right Jesus. I'm not really feeling the easy burden and yoke as I'm studying to, Lord willing, become a pastor one day. Hours and hours of reading each day isn't easy by any means! But the byproduct of the suffering that comes through my studying is what gets me through the suffering! 

The byproduct? Joy.

I find so much joy in spending my entire day reading theology, discipleship, studying Greek, and not being able to do things that I enjoy like exercising, watching every game of football that's on TV, and hanging out with my friends until the late hours of the night. But it's the little things that I find in God that make me happy with what I'm giving up.

Jesus suffered for me so that I can suffer for Him. I don't need a social life! The only life I need is one radically committed proclaiming the Gospel and sharing the joy that I find in Christ Jesus my Lord.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Special Music at it's Best

Click here for the coolest offertory you will ever witness. I'll tithe during something like this!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Death By Love

Mark Driscoll, one of my favorite pastors/speakers/authors is coming out with a new book all about how the love of Christ has broken us free from the bonds of sin. It is written in the form of letters. It is sure to be one worth reading.

Biden's interview on Meet the Press

Clicked here for an interesting video on Biden's view of abortion. This is postmodernity at it's greatest.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thoughts on Hell

I have begun to read a book titled Hell Under Fire by my theology professor Dr. Morgan and many other contributors. I can't say the subject of Hell has ever really caught my attention. Call me a late bloomer, but the only overall thoughts that I had on Hell before reading this book are simply put, "I don't want to go there."

I knew all that was said about it. The common weeping and gnashing of teeth line I had heard quite a bit growing up in church, but it never quite resonated with me. Hell was just a place to me. A place that I know, unfortunately, most people are going to end up.

But this book has kept referring to Hell as eternal punishment or eternal torture. This book is written for I don't claim to know half of what they are saying (literally: I haven't seen half of the words these authors have's pathetic). But those two phrases I understand. And from what I've learned so far in the book, I know them well now. 

eternal torture...

Just think about that for a moment. Not just torture, but torture for all eternity. I can't imagine.

I had to stop reading a few times just because I couldn't get out of my mind how many people are heading in that direction. I felt like swearing. It seemed like it was the words that could suffice. Actions could not explain how mad I was; words can't do it justice either. Eternal Torture kept echoing in my head. It still won't stop. 

And I've come to the conclusion that I will pray these thoughts return if they do cease. I'm not sure it's right to use Hell as a motivation to witness and pray for the lost, but I will. I know one thing for certain, that it is wrong for me not to witness. So even if I do have the wrong motivations (not saying I do or don't...just uncertain), I will continue to use them because I know God will be glorified in the end. No matter how many people end up suffering, the end result is that people will bow before Him. I pray that it is not forced upon them. I pray that they will, in the end, do it willingly and humbly before Jesus Christ.