Sunday, July 6, 2008

Here we go!

Hello blogworld! I am now an official blogger. This apparently is where all of my important thoughts are supposed to appear. I'll try not to disappoint those who think I have interesting things going on up there. And if you are one of those must be really dull. 

I know the blogworld is filled with postmodernity (ie. coffee, long talks that don't generally have a direction, and the philisophical idea that we cannot reach absolute truth). So it seems that I, more of a traditionalist, am venturing into the realm of black rimmed glasses and talks about how cool the new u2 album is. But I think that most of my posts are going to be about loving God and His Word. So innevitably, I will post things that bloggers care beating poverty and loving people. I won't talk about global warming so much...but I love the Earth nonetheless. Why do you have to be green and democrat to love the Earth anyways?

Well, I'm off to go find some funny Youtube videos because that's one part of blogging, right?


T. Welch said...

dude i have one too!
but actually livejournal is wayy cooler!

Anonymous said...

come to livejournal!! you'd have so many more friends.....